segunda-feira, 8 de abril de 2013

Multimodalidade e multicanalidade...

Confunde-se muitas vezes multimodalidade com multicanalidade. A multimodalidade não se restringe à soma de informação em diferentes canais (multicanalidade). Podemos falar de multimodalidade e de textos multimodais que combinam diferentes recursos semióticos, mas a multimodalidade implica também a interatividade, como referem Lebrun, Lacelle et Boutin  que mostram como se chegou de literacias múltiplas à literacia multimodal :
«Par exemple, la montée en flèche du recours au numérique semble favoriser l’abolition progressive de la distinction entre « lecteur » et « scripteur »: en lecture multimodale, le lecteur n’est pas guidé uniquement par le texte et sa linéarité dit Buckingham (2003), car le seul texte possible devient celui qu’il choisit d’« écrire ». Ainsi, ce que l’on constate dans une posture subjective et interprétative monomodale serait magnifié par le recours au multimodal. Un tel postulat, pour qu’on puisse bien le saisir, nécessite qu’on procède à un réel changement de paradigme (Kellner, 1998), car les modèles traditionnels expliquant la communication s’avèrent ainsi insuffisants. En réalité, ce que l’on sous-entend ici, c’est l’interactivité suscitée par la lecture des textes multimodaux. Certes, tout texte, qu’il soit ou non sur support numérique, peut interpeller son lecteur, mais, dans le cas du texte numérique, le « support » même du texte, par sa convivialité, stimule l’interactivité».  

Artigo das autoras com dados de investigação sobre literacia mediática  multimodal num contexto de inclusão no secundário (Canadá) pode ser lido em Intercompreensão nº 15. ESE/ Ed. Cosmos. 

Jewitt, Krauss e Kress têm  abordado a questão da multimodalidade numa perspetiva  pedagógica.

  Jewitt et al. désignent comme « perspectives multimodales » (Jewit et al., 2009 ; Kress et al., 2001 ; Filliettaz, 2005) :

Jewitt & al ( 2012) a pre-print version of a chapter to be published in the SAGE Handbook of Digital Technology research 2013Sara Price, Carey Jewitt & Barry Brown (eds.)  interrogam-se sobre: 

«What is multimodality?
Multimodality is an inter-disciplinary approach drawn from social semiotics that
understands communication and representation as more than language and attends
systematically to the social interpretation of a range of forms of making meaning. It
provide concepts, methods and a framework for the collection and analysis of visual,
aural, embodied, and spatial aspects of interaction and environments (Jewitt, 2009;
Kress, 2010). Multimodality investigates the interaction between communicational means and challenges spoken and written language in research (Scollon and Scollon, 2009). Speech and 
writing continue to be understood as significant but are seen as parts of a multimodal 
ensemble. Multimodality emphasizes situated action, that is, the importance of the 
social context and the resources available for meaning making, with attention to 
people’s situated choice of resources, rather than emphasizing the system of available 
resources. Thus it opens up possibilities for recognizing, analyzing and theorizing the 
different ways in which people make meaning, and how those meanings are interrelated.
Multimodality provides resources to support a complex fine grained analysis of artefacts
and interactions in which meaning is understood as being realized in the iterative 
connection between the meaning potential of a material semiotic artefact, the meaning 
potential of the social and cultural environment it is encountered in, and the resources, 
intentions, and knowledge that people bring to that encounter. That is, it strives to 
connect the material semiotic resources available to people with what they mean to 
signify in social contexts. Changes to these resources and how they are configured are 
therefore understood as significant for communication»

E os mesmos autores acrescentam: « Digital technologies are of particular interest to multimodality because they make a wide range of modes available, often in new inter-semiotic relationships with one another, and unsettle and re-make genres, in ways that reshape practices and interaction. Digital technologies are thus a key site for multimodal investigation.

 Numa outra obra, Os autores apresentam também a  abordagem multimodal: 

«This approach (a multimodal perspective) foregrounds systematic attention to meaning and the ways in which teachers and students use modes to represent the world and engage in social interaction, and shape “knowledge (…) It extends the social interpretation of language and meaning to the full range of communicational forms (modes) used in the English classroom for making meaning and attends to the agency in making meaning of all participants (Jewitt et al., 2009 : 11).

«people orchestrate meaning through their selection and configuration of modes, foregrounding the significance of the interaction between modes in the production of meaning » (Jewitt et al., 2009 : 11).

A multimodalidade implica, assim, não só os suportes, os «textos» construídos recorrendo a diversos processos semióticos (incluindo o oral e o escrito), mas também a construção da interação  e da compreensão na ação, em contexto social.  Daí ser importante para estes autores o termo de «configuração», termo que começámos a utilizar em 1991.

O suporte multimodal  pode gerar textos multimodais, mas pode gerar igualmente textos «lineares» (cf muitas apresentações com recurso a dispositivos multimédia que são lineares!). 

A multimodalidade é também um processo cognitivo e comunicativo:
Na linha de J. Cosnier,  e num contexto pedagógico,  «je propose une définition centrée sur l’enseignant et les apprenants comme un processus qui semble lié à la pensée (dimension cognitive) mis-en-corps et mis-en-geste (dimension physiologique et relationnelle ou empathique) et mis-en-mots (dimension pragmatico-linguistique), plutôt qu’un simple dispositif communicatif ou qu’un support plurisémiotique. Cette définition s’éloigne ainsi des définitions (centrées sur la langue) qui n’envisagent la multimodalité que comme le fait de superposer des codes ou des canaux (multicanalité).(Ferrão Tavares, 2013, no prelo).
 Ferrão Tavares, C., Silva, J., ,Silva e Silva, M. (2011). L’approche actionnelle dans la formation des enseignent de langues-cultures: littératie(s) multimodale(s). Comunicação apresentada no Colloque international FICEL – DILTEC. França, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris III, 03-04 de novembro., pode encontrar-se uma declinação da abordagem acional e multimodal na formação de comunicadores.

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